Sunday, May 16, 2010


Although the Civil War is still going on today, this focuses on 1991-1995. This is when Somalia had made the countries problem to an international problem. All the problems started with an evil warlord named Mohamed Farah Aideed. The United Nations was in Somalia trying to help with all the famine in the country, and they ended up having to deal with the warlord himself. In 1991 Aideed was elected chairman of the United Somali Congress. Ali Mahdi was the president in 1991 had a government of eight ministers that he promised a lot of financial support. In 1993 a BLOODY Civil War broke out devastating both parties. When the U.N. tried to "help" it just ended up hurting more, and this is where the Black Hawk Down thing started. Ultimately hurting many in the process.

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